
Women’s Discipleship Releases Giants, Grapes & Grasshoppers

International Women’s Discipleship, in partnership with Pathway Press, has launched a new Bible study which will be released later this week. Giants, Grapes & Grasshoppers Bible study is the first study in the Kindle the Power discipleship series... »

Givers and Takers

Israel wanted a king. They wanted an earthly ruler so that they might be like the other nations. God knew that Israel would ask for a king (see Deut. 17:14-20), … Continue reading → »

Peter C. Hickson: A Pioneer Youth Leader

“We must have materials for our youth,” Peter C. Hickson (1902-1984) wrote to Church of God General Overseer S.W. Latimer in October 1932. This passionate request revealed a heart for youth ministry along with a recognition of the importance and po... »

Valentines Sought for Girl Battling Heart Condition

A Church of God congregation in Georgia is seeking valentines cards for a teen who is battling a heart condition brought on by cancer treatment. Erin McLeod is a 13 year-old girl who has battled bone caner for the last two years. Erin is now cancer fre... »