
Bad News, Good News, Best News! :: By Terry James

Each day, I receive emails—sometimes many—that lament the times we’re in. These include most often the question of how much longer the terrible things going on—the stage being set for the Tribulation—will be allowed to continue. That is, how long will it be before Christ calls believers to Himself in the Rapture? Many pin their […] The post Bad News, Good News, Best News! :: By Terry James appeare... »

America’s Last Gleaming :: By Terry James

NOTE FROM TERRY: The article below was first posted on July 19, 2018. At that time, America was indeed in a state of degeneration. That is, the culture and society were moving away from God’s governance. The drift had become a swift flow in that direction apart from its founding principles. Despite the Trump presidential […] The post America’s Last Gleaming :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapt... »

Chapel with Terry Cross I Apologetics Series I September 1, 2022

Chapel with Terry Cross I Apologetics Series I September 1, 2022


They’re Coming for Your Children :: By Terry James

The chanting is chilling: “We’re coming for your children…We’re coming for your children…” Earlier, I wrote the following in an article titled: “Those attacking children.” We recently reported the San Francisco LGBTQ organization that put out the song lauding their cause that has as its lyrics, “We are coming for your children…” We reported on numerous […] The post They’re Coming for Your Children... »