
Damascus –Alternative Thoughts :: By Terry James

Like so many signals of these being the last days of this fleeting Church Age, the destruction of Damascus, Syria, is a matter we cannot do other than see blazing across hourly headlines. Again, Isaiah the prophet Foretold the following. “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall […] The post Damascus –Alternative Thoughts :: By Terry James appeared fir... »

Tribulation Trigger :: By Terry James

The planet is apparently poised for war. If not nuclear war, certainly conventional war on a horrific scale that will soon engulf the world in the thermonuclear sort seems highly possible. Economies on a global scale, according to a number of fiscal ex... »

Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James

Author’s note: This article was posted originally on Raptureready.com on March 7, 2016. It is re-posted here because some of the same concerns as back then are being expressed through emails and in other ways. My response remains the same because God’s Plan in regard to the Rapture hasn’t changed. We have looked a number […] The post Rapture Delayed :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Read... »

Interview With Terry James: What Does the Bible Teach about the ‘Hereafter’

Interview With Terry James: What Does the Bible Teach about the ‘Hereafter’

Author and editor Terry James became blind from a degenerative retinal disease 30 years ago, but God has used his blindness to keep his focus on glorifying his name. Terry has authored 47 books, including his most recent, ‘Hereafter,’ which discusses l... »