
Basic Chaplaincy Course

Направлението за работа с Въоръжените Сили към Сдружение Агапе Бъ... »

Apostolic Betrayal

The buzz rapidly went out on the across the nation system of Henry Kissinger’s previous acolytes: “Stay tuned.” Winston Ruler, one of Kissinger’s long-term previous associates, had recently affirmed before a Senate board on the destiny of Vietnam-period POWs, and he exited the feeling that a few Americans presumably were relinquished in the withdrawal from   Read ... »

Holy of Holies

Today we look at the Holy of Holies. Within the Holy Place, there was an inner room called the Holy of Holies, or the Most Holy Place. »

2015 Prime Minister’s Netanyahu address to Congress

2015 Prime Minister’s Netanyahu address to Congress

What do you think about Prime Minister’s Netanyahu address to Congress today? Seems like some serious defense decisions need to be made soon »