
Lecture: “Military Chaplaincy in the United States”

At the invitation of the United theological faculty at VEBI, military Ministry in co-operation with the Bulgarian and Bulgarian kapelanska Association, chaplain (Col. o.) Rich Young will deliver a lecture on May 31, 2010 from 6 pm. in the building of the first Evangelical Congregational Church in Sofia (Solunska str. 49, Tel: 980-56-85) The topic   Read More ... »


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I pray this will be helpful and a blessing

I pray this will be helpful and a blessing

I pray this will be helpful and a blessing, »

Interesante articulo sobre el moribundo/a y la sanación divina.

Interesante articulo sobre el moribundo/a y la sanación divina. Cómo prepararse para cruzar la línea de llegada: decisiones al final de la vida Por Christina M.H. Powell »