
Statement by Bishop Angaelos following the brutal murder of Coptic Christians

It is with deep feelings of sorrow and pain that we received confirmation earlier this evening of the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in Libya at the hands of Daesh (IS). While every life is sacred and every death tragic, the particular brutality demonstrated in this instance and others like it shows not only a   Read More ... »

Revelation 6:10-11

Post by Steve Wright. Got Pentecost? Help us reach millions around the world 1. Join the Pentecostal Theology group in Facebook here 2. Post your thoughts, paper, sermon or video in the group 3. Your content will be broadcasted automatically on to readers and social networks Sounds easy? Click here to start »


“Know that the LORD, HE IS GOD! It is HE WHO MADE US, and WE ARE HIS; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” (Psa. 100:3) [We belong to our Abba Father, he formed us and breathed His breath into us to make us living souls, His living souls, His children. We   Read More ... »

#Pentecostal #Theology in #China

Many readers may be puzzled by the term, Pentecostal theology, and all the more by discussions of its impact on the Chinese church. Isn’t Pentecostal theology an oxymoron? I would suggest that it is not. Certainly, the rapid growth of the modern Pentecostal movement – one sociologist describes it as “the most successful social movement   Read More ... »