
Even assuming deep evolutionary time, the story of whale evolution…

Even assuming deep evolutionary time, the story of whale evolution…

Even assuming deep evolutionary time, the story of whale evolution is a whale of a tale. »

Church of Jesus Christ..we are in a very dificult time,…

Church of Jesus Christ..we are in a very dificult time, right now, so we are soldiers of Christ, for His Kingdom, Pray, Pray, Pray. »

In this time of pandemic, we can’t really do much…

In this time of pandemic, we can’t really do much…

In this time of pandemic, we can’t really do much but to trust God, see that He is still in control of what’s going on, and pray to Him. Yet, I find one of those many passages that talks about prayer that is very interesting and might shock many of us. Proverbs 28:9 NIV If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable. Proverbs 28:9 TPT If you close your ... »

Is civil disobedience a sin at this time If you…

Is civil disobedience a sin at this time If you safely worship together inside the church and/or outside. »