
What takes most of your time as a minister?

Which one of the following you spend more time on »

“It’s Time for a Comeback” with Jentezen Franklin

“It’s Time for a Comeback” with Jentezen Franklin

Maybe you’ve been in a season where it seems like your dreams are dead. Well, God made a promise—and it’s time for your comeback! The Lord is ready to bring back to life your purpose, your calling … your assignment! And just like with Abraham, the promise of a comeback is not just for you, but also for your children and your children’s children and generations to come. What... »

When was the last time you fasted for 3 days or more?

When was the last time you fasted for 3 days or more?


ourCOG app in time for Orlando 2018

ourCOG app in time for Orlando 2018
