

????BE BLESSED!? END TIMES BIBLE PROPHECIES OF THE APPEARING OF 666 ** C. THE SON OF PERDITION SHALL BE REVEALED FIRST** **2Thessalonians 2: [1](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kingjamesbibleonline.org%2F2-Thessalonians-2-1%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2WGW5USmOHjl-wp-Yr_7pbrrFsefbhOua5-QiAB3sEY4W2Xib2CrL_bDw&h=AT308MY5ndsS8MnvL1_vg-KXbHnevYubn9S8-JDJcnWJzuPGen6pO5IdZmqNGBBdzY__bpydIrgj... »

3 Reasons To Be Skeptical of End Times Teachers

Earlier this month, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) sat down with Jan Markell, radio host of Understanding the Times, and discussed President Barack Obama’s September decision to support vetted Syrian rebels, who she calls terrorists, with equipment and training. In this discussion she said, “This happened and as of today the United States is willingl... »

I think we need serious conversation for serious times, brothers…

I think we need serious conversation for serious times, brothers and sisters of the church of God we are in the last of the last days. Important to me Being a vital part of this great COG Correct biblical interpretation Leading folks into the baptism of the Holy Ghost Building the kingdom of God Population of Heaven Take away hell’s grasp on people, by preaching the true Gospel Being Faithfu... »

Keeping it Real in Times of Temptation

Keeping it Real in Times of Temptation

Temptations and trials will come our way guaranteed. In the Bible, James reminds us that God will provide us resources to not only cope with, but overcome temptations. Join Pastor Mark Williams as he continues the series “Authentic Christianity” with this message, “Keeping it Real in Times of Temptation”. »