
Prayer to End the FREEMASON Generational Curse

Prayer to End the FREEMASON Generational Curse


U.S. News Ranks Lee University Online in Top 75

U.S. News Ranks Lee University Online in Top 75 You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »

The Curses of Freemasonry & Prayers of Deliverance

The Curses of Freemasonry & Prayers of Deliverance


Is it Okay to Drink?

Is it Okay to Drink?

Ten years ago one wouldn’t think twice about bringing a beverage into church.  The sanctuary was respected and revered.  But now, it is hard to find a person that doesn’t bring a drink into church with them.  So, is this Biblical?  Don’t know.  Is this okay?  Probably.  Is this socially acceptable?  It is become more and more so. But before answering if it’s really okay to drink in church, let’s m... »