Ready Remnant of Tribulation Saints: Part One :: By C. Gray Adams
***There is a special message here and at the end of this article. ***I believe the book of Revelation is to be interpreted literally, and symbolism is to be used only when the author specifies it. With this in mind, the following begins to describe ho... »
Tribulation Trigger :: By Terry James
The planet is apparently poised for war. If not nuclear war, certainly conventional war on a horrific scale that will soon engulf the world in the thermonuclear sort seems highly possible. Economies on a global scale, according to a number of fiscal ex... »
Salvation in Spite of Tribulation: Rev. 7:1-17 :: By Donald Whitchard
Matthew 11:28-30; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 1:15, 2:5-6; Revelation 7:1-17 Summary: God’s call to salvation in Christ will continue after the time of the Rapture. He will call out 144,000 Jewish believers to spread the Gospel worldwide during the Tribulation, resulting in a massive global harvest of the redeemed. John has been given […] The post Salvation in Spite of Tribulation: Rev. 7:1-17... »