
Tribulation is Not wrath

Tribulation is Not wrath

Tribulation is Not wrath: G3986 – peirasmos πειρασμός 1) an experiment, attempt, trial, proving a) trial, proving: the trial made of you by my bodily condition, since condition served as to test the love of the Galatians toward Paul (Gal. 4:14) b) the trial of man’s fidelity, integrity, virtue, constancy 1) an enticement to sin, temptation, whether arising from the desires or from the outward circ... »

Why the 6th Seal is not part of Tribulation or…

Why the 6th Seal is not part of Tribulation or…

Why the 6th Seal is not part of Tribulation or Great Tribulation! The 6th Seal is part of the Birth Pains or Sorrows (7 Seals) which lead us to the start of the Tribulation. (Matthew 24:6-8) (Mark 13:7-8). Jesus tells his disciples this must happen (Sorrows) prior to Tribulation. Tribulation starts on the 6th Trumpet, once sacrifices stop and the 7 year treaty is signed; and stops at Abomination o... »

Do people think the Great Tribulation starts before or after…

Do people think the Great Tribulation starts before or after…

Do people think the Great Tribulation starts before or after the implementation of the Mark of the Beast? (Rev. 13:16-18) »

Settling The Pre, Mid, and Post Tribulation Controversy – Part 2 | Episode 720

Settling The Pre, Mid, and Post Tribulation Controversy – Part 2 | Episode 720

To watch PART 1 of this message, click this link: If you enjoyed this video and would like to know when others like it are posted, please give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. For more information on Perry Stone ministries, visit Thanks for watching! »