
Tuesday Minutes of the 40th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 40th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 40th Annual Assembly of the Church of God Place: Bible Training School and College Auditorium, Sevierville, TN. Date: September 2,3, 1945. General Overseer: John C. Jernigan. Church of God Teachings: Change in the paragraph concerning the Military Service (pp.31, 159). Modest Apparel (p.166). [35th A.] »

Tuesday Minutes of the 47th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 47th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 47th General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Ellis Auditorium, Memphis, TN. Date: August 19-23, 1958. General Overseer: James A. Cross. Communism (p.46) Church of God Teachings (pp.158-159). [47th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.157). [42nd A.] »

Tuesday December 11th: 3 Tevet

Tuesday December 11th: 3 Tevet For all of those who live in the northern hemisphere, winter is upon us – a time of dead leaves and gloomy weather. Not surprisingly, during this time of year many people struggle with depression. Perhaps its because of the stark landscape and sunless skies or just the overall environment […] »

Tuesday, October 9th

30 Tishri It was on this day in 1958 that the foundation stone of the Israeli Knesset was laid in Jerusalem. Knesset is a Hebrew word that means a place of assembly and this is where th... »