
Tuesday Minutes of the 43th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 43th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Place: Coliseum, Indianapolis, IN. Date: August 14-17, 1952. General Overseer: Zeno C. Tharp. Church of God Teachings (pp.207-209). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.209-210). [42th A.] Modest Apparel (p.207). [35th A.] Supplement to the Church of God Minutes Cleveland, TN 1953. Church of God Teachings (pp.207-209). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (209-210). [42th A.] Modest Apparel (207-209). [35t... »

Tuesday Minutes from 25th Church of God Annual Assembly

Tuesday Minutes from 25th Church of God Annual Assembly

Minutes of the 25th Annual Assembly of the Church of God Place: Church of God Auditorium, Cleveland, TN. Date: October 20-26, 1930. General Overseer: S.W.Latimer. Address to the Young People (p.16). Coco-Cola (p.21). Jewelry (p.22). Marrying Sinners (p.23). Statistics (p.23). “The Macedonian Call” by J.H.Ingram (p.35). Church of God Teachings (p.53-54). »

US Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CNN Tuesday that the…

US Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CNN Tuesday that the…

US Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CNN Tuesday that the US is not seeking a war with Iran but it is “prepared to finish one.” He also said the US is not withdrawing troops from Iraq follow »

Tuesday May 18th

Tuesday May 18th
