
Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Welcome to Westmore! Catch us LIVE every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EST to experience a Westmore service including inspiring music and worship, along with a timely message. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and... »

Perry Stone – The Noah Code

Perry Stone – The Noah Code

In this 2 hour DVD, Perry lists ancient parallel signs leading to the return of Christ; many of which Christians are not aware of. He explores the three levels of time, and reveals how Judges in Sodom passed laws legalizing abominations similar to Judges in America today. You will learn three specific things that must become “full” prior to Christ’s return and you will also disco... »

There Is Only One Source Of Truth #shorts

There Is Only One Source Of Truth #shorts

There is only one source of truth. #truth #absolute #Scripture »

6CD110 – 6 Important Prophecy Updates

6CD110 – 6 Important Prophecy Updates

I have literally preached thousands of prophetic messages during my ministry, revealing to believers and non-believers the times and seasons, the signs of Christ coming, the significance of Israel, the future events related to the tribulation, and much more. I have personally selected these six messages from my more recent conferences, and believe the information and teaching will give you fresh i... »