June 15: 12 Sivan

For as long as I can remember, the word “Change” has dominated the political and social landscape and, most certainly, every election cycle. People want politicians to change, and the politicians say they want politics to change. In some way, everyone wants our society to change to more closely conform to their worldview and almost […] The post June 15: 12 Sivan appeared first o... »

June 14: 11 Sivan

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist denomination, once wrote in his diary: “Let none think his labor is lost because the fruit does not immediately appear.” It’s human nature to be impatient, whether as a parent, in your job or in the ministry. We want things to mature and bear fruit quickly so that we […] The post June 14: 11 Sivan appeared first on Perry Stone Ministri... »

June 12: 9 Sivan

It was on this day in the year 70 that Titus put battering rams in position to assault the walls and gates of Jerusalem. This tactic was employed in order to create a weak spot in the fortifications of the besieged city. Day after day, sometimes for weeks, these heavy battering rams would strike at […] The post June 12: 9 Sivan appeared first on Perry Stone Ministries. »

June 11: 8 Sivan

It was on this day in 1940 that the extermination camp known as Auschwitz was opened. In the course of its existence, two and a half million people would be killed there. Another 500,000 would die of starvation and disease. That totals about three million people. Think of it this way: estimates are that, when […] The post June 11: 8 Sivan appeared first on Perry Stone Ministries. »