May 17: 12 Iyar

It was on this day in 1949 that the state of Israel was admitted to the United Nations as it’s 59th member. Since then the United Nations has continued to issue declaration after declaration against Israel, condemning the Jewish state for a myriad of offenses, all at the behest of Israel’s enemies. This begs this […] The post May 17: 12 Iyar appeared first on Perry Stone Ministr... »

May 16: 11 Iyar

According to one traditional viewpoint, it was on this day that Methuselah died, thus signaling Noah that it was time to enter the ark. (There’s another tradition that believes his death occurred on 11 Cheshvan). Regardless of which tradition is correct, the point is that Methuselah’s death, whose name means “his death shall begin” or […] The post May 16: 11 Iyar app... »

May 15: 10 Iyar

Tradition believes that, on this day, the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines. In addition to this tragedy, Hophni and Pinchas, the sons of the High Priest Eli, were killed and the High Priest died as well. It was also on this day that a message was delivered to the people of […] The post May 15: 10 Iyar appeared first on Perry Stone Ministries. »

May 14: 9 Iyar

During the Messiah’s ministry, He encountered many types of people and had different types of exchanges with these people. For the most part, He exhibited great compassion for those He met but there were occasions, though, when He chided some for their self-righteous attitudes, their unbelief or their selfish behavior. Most of these more animated […] The post May 14: 9 Iyar appeared f... »