Tuesday March 19: 14 Adar II

Today is Purim, a holiday which tells the story of the deliverance of the Jews living in Persia. It’s recorded in the book of Esther: “And Mordecai wrote these things and sent letters to all the Jews, near and far, who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, to establish among them that they […] »

Nugget of the Week March 18thHE IS…He is…

Nugget of the Week March 18thHE IS…He is… Creator of all, Alpha and Omega, your Father, Protector, Provider, Deliver, Healer, He is the I Am. He is Faithful and He will fulfill every word that He has spoken. He is in control.No matter what your facing or what season you’re in always remember He is […] »

Monday March 18: 13 Adar II

Today is recognized as the fast of Esther. This was a fast called in preparation to go into the King of Persia and reveal Haman’s plot against the Jews. Having heard of this evil plot and of Esther’s initial hesitation to go before the King, her kinsman, Mordecai, sent word to her saying: “Do not […] »

Monday March 18: 13 Adar II

Today is recognized as the fast of Esther. This was a fast called in preparation to go into the King of Persia and reveal Haman’s plot against the Jews. Having heard of this evil plot and of Esther’s initial hesitation to go before the King, her kinsman, Mordecai, sent word to her saying: “Do not […] »