Sunday March 17: 12 Adar II

I have long felt that in many respects the body of Messiah is, in a manner of speaking, reliving the 1st century. Specifically, as we are reintroduced to the roots of our faith, and the discovery of just what it really means to be “in Messiah” questions arise. How do we do this? Should we […] »

Saturday March 16: 11 Adar II

Today is the 11th day of the second Adar and you might be noticing, depending on where you live, that Spring is upon us or it’s just right around the corner. If you are looking outside and there’s still snow on the ground, just hold on – Spring is on the way. For many, that […] »

Saturday March 16: 11 Adar II

Today is the 11th day of the second Adar and you might be noticing, depending on where you live, that Spring is upon us or it’s just right around the corner. If you are looking outside and there’s still snow on the ground, just hold on – Spring is on the way. For many, that […] »

Thursday March 14: 9 Adar II

It was on this day in 1938 that the German Army marched into and occupied Austria. In celebration of their victory, they decided to launch numerous attacks on about 200,000 Jews. Why? Simply put; because they were Jews. Sadly, the adversary has found others in our time who, like the Nazis, seek to satisfy a […] »