Wednesday March 13: 8 Adar II

It was on this day in 1943 that over 4,000 Jews of Thrace were seized by Nazis and deported to Treblinka and Auschwitz. These Jews included inhabitants of the island of Samothracia, most all of whom were exterminated upon arrival at the death camps. One week later, over 7,000 Jews of Macedonia were rounded up […] »

Monday March 11: 6 Adar II

For centuries, the people of God have debated whether or not we are obligated to keep the commandments that were written by Moses in the Torah. Obviously there are some that should be kept by all people – “You shall not murder,” for example. But are the other instructions solely for the Jewish people or […] »

Sunday March 10: 5 Adar II

It was on this day in 1957 that Israeli forces, bowing to international pressures, withdrew from the Gaza Strip and the Sharm El Sheikh area along the Gulf of Aqaba. This was the first such withdrawal because, as we know, the IDF had to re-enter the Gaza Strip in the Six-Day War in June of […] »

Saturday March 9: 4 Adar II

Not too long ago we mentioned how Israel, assembled at the foot of Mt. Sinai, grew impatient at Moses’ delayed return from the top of the mountain. They eventually coerced Aaron into taking their gold and using it to fashion a Golden Calf. “Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the […] »