Friday November 16th: 8 Kislev

Friday November 16th: 8 Kislev It was on this day in 1974 that the United Nations passed a resolution approving the right of Palestinians to a sovereign state at the expense of Israel. Time would fail us to recount all of the injustices and inconsistencies that have characterized the United Nations throughout the years, especially […] »

Thursday November 15th: 7 Kislev

Thursday November 15th: 7 Kislev According to some traditions, it was on this day in 4 B. C. that the infamous Herod the Great died. He was called “great” because of his political power and, perhaps more importantly, his building projects. He was the one who expanded and updated the Second Temple. He built Caesarea […] »

Wednesday November 14th: 6 Kislev

Wednesday November 14th: 6 Kislev It was on this day in 1973 that a founding father of Israel, and its first Prime Minister, David ben Gurion, died in the city of Tel Aviv. He was a driving force in the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 and, on May 14th of that year, delivered […] »

Tuesday November 13th: 5 Kislev

Tuesday November 13th: 5 Kislev It was on this day in 1948 that the so-called “Road of Valor,” a road cut through the Judean hills connecting Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, was officially opened. This road was built in order to relieve the siege that Jerusalem was under during the Israeli War of Independence. Because of […] »