Sharia Law

We just wrapped up the 2014 Prophecy Summit with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Bill Cloud, Donald Perkins, Papa P, and myself. What a powerful time in the presence of God! We heard over 11 powerful sessions concerning the times to come. During the conference we had a special closed session that wasn’t allowed to be recorded and the people were asked to keep all their cell phones and recording devices... »

We Need More Than Tears

There is no doubt that America has crossed the threshold of judgment. We have actually legalized as a people what God calls an abomination. By legalizing same-sex marriage we have violated God’s established covenant called marriage. We have legalized the shedding of innocent blood through abortion. If that couldn’t be worse, we have altogether turned away from the principles of God&rsq... »


"Rachel" The little girl had been running and playing, but now tears were streaming down her chubby cheeks. She had fallen, scraped her knee and it was bleeding. At this point, you could tell that her sobbing was more from fear than from pain. Several onlookers were observing the scene and their responses were quite interesting. Why was that child playing alone? One criticized. Obviously her mothe... »


The Board of Directors each year requires Perry to have a detailed physical examination to ensure that he remains healthy.  Part of the reason for this is that diabetes runs in his family and his Father, Fred Stone, died as a result of serious dia... »