Think for a moment the number of revolutions, civil uprisings, wars, and rumor of wars spreading from coast to coast and nation to nation: The internal Civil War in Egypt between democracy candidates and Islamic radicals The internal strugg... »

Brokenness Article

Beloved Daughters of Rachel, Recently, in the early part of the morning as my day was starting I noticed a very well-known preacher giving an interview on TV. I was immediately intrigued and wondered "What has happened to him?" I remembered him in years past as being very popular throughout the Christian world, radical, flamboyant, and the envy of many that were called to preach. I found myself w... »

Beware of Fraudulent Men

It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8 One of the man-made plagues of the modern era continues to be monetary scams, created by deceitful ‘Confidence Men’ attempting to sham their way into your pocket book or bank account. Although there are numerous types of scams, the primary definition holds true: a ‘grifter’ (one who makes a mark... »

Inside the Ministry- February 18, 2014

Deciphering Prophetic Codes I want everyone to be looking for my new book that will release in about five weeks. According to individuals who have reviewed the manuscript, it is the most detailed and significant book relating to prophecy that I have written in 36 years of ministry. I won’t say a lot about it at this point, other than it will be the most right-now, interesting book that you ... »