From Global Warming to Climate Change

Several years ago, many of you will recall Al Gore producing a movie in which he warned America and the rest of the world of the coming danger of ‘global warming.’ During this same time, it was noted and placed in magazine articles that it had not snowed in quite some time. The winters were becoming warmer, with less distinction between the seasons.  In fact, one report said that ... »

Aunt Bea Ogle

One of our dearest friends is our Aunt Bea Ogle. Her husband, Elroy, has been sick for the past few years, and has gone to be with the Lord this month. Although this is quite sad, we know he is in his eternal home. Perry has known Bea and Elroy since ... »

Death of Ariel Sharon

 One of the most discussed topics in the Jewish and prophetic world at this time is the tragic, although not shocking, death of Ariel Sharon. Sharon was a highly admired Israeli for numerous reasons.  His military career began early, fight... »

Inside the Ministry- January 15, 2014

Conferences at the OCI Building Winter Ramp At the conclusion of December, Karen Wheaton ministries hosted the 2014 winter ramp at the new OCI Facility here in Cleveland. A production team arrived, hanging lights and preparing the stage with colorful... »