I’m Weak, But Still Anointed

"And I am weak today, though anointed king;" (2 Samuel 3:39)   This was spoken from the mouth of King David following the cruel battles of the house of Saul and the house of David. David was exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually from... »

Why Are Christians Upset about the Ruling In California?

  I want to do my best as a Christian and as an American citizen to explain why people in the Christian community are upset with the Supreme Court decisions on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 in California. I want to hopefully answer some questions for people who don’t understand our position on the Word of God as believers. Here is what happened. The portion of... »

2013 Partner’s Homecoming

Perry and I are anticipating one of the greatest weeks with our partners during our homecoming.   As most of you know we have not posted pictures of the completed building especially the interior for several months this is because we want out partners to be amazed when they step into the foyer of the new facility. Those from the area who have taken a tour of the facility have nearly gone in... »

Inside the Ministry- July 10, 2013

Get the Book- Hindering Spirits Pam's New Book New Service- July 30, 2013 Fire Night at the Barn Sunday Night Camp Meeting Israel Tour Read more... »