June 18: 15 Sivan

Do you know someone who has the need to be the center of attention? Someone who always has to be in the spotlight? Someone who, in their mind anyway, seems to know just a bit more than you do? Most likely, we all know people like that but what is it that makes them crave […] The post June 18: 15 Sivan appeared first on Perry Stone Ministries. »

Perry Stone Hosting TBN April 10, 2012

Perry Stone Hosting TBN April 10, 2012

April 10th - Perry Stone Hosting TBN Perry Stone will be hosting Praise the Lord  on TBN on April 10th. The program will air at 10:00 pm (EDT). Special guests for this program include Sid Roth, Pastor Shane W... »

Nugget of the Week March 18thHE IS…He is…

Nugget of the Week March 18thHE IS…He is… Creator of all, Alpha and Omega, your Father, Protector, Provider, Deliver, Healer, He is the I Am. He is Faithful and He will fulfill every word that He has spoken. He is in control.No matter what your facing or what season you’re in always remember He is […] »

6 New Messages from Perry Stone

6 New Messages from Perry Stone

Dear Friend,   In Cartersville, GA. the Holy Spirit inspired me with six new messages that are literally a "RIGHT NOW" word from the Lord! On Sunday night, over 2,000 people packed out t... »