Perry Stone 2019-01-24 00:01:51

In Hebrew, the sacred name of the Creator is spelled, Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei. Regarding His sacred name, what seems to get the most attention is how to pronounce it. Some people think it’s “Yahweh,” others think it’s “Yahveh”; some believe it’s “Yehovah.” Frankly, there are several pronunciations advanced by different camps, each one believing [&he... »

Perry Stone Live from Jerusalem

Perry Stone - Live from Jerusalem Wednesday November 28th 12 Noon and 9 PM************************************* Daystar Television Network www.daystar.com   We have an unexpected surpr... »

Perry Stone 2019-01-23 00:01:24

It was on this day in 1965 that Spanish officials met with Jewish representatives to discuss the legal status of the Jewish community in Spain. It was the first such meeting between Jews and the head of the Spanish government since the expulsion of Jews in the year 1492. That expulsion occurred simultaneously with Columbus’s […] »

Message for Partners from Perry

  Normally, I would post this message on the Partners site; however, I have elected to post in on the main site because I want to make sure all of our partners read this information.  My ministry partners are aware of how we operate the ministry with certain “dos and don’ts.” For example, we do have a message of the month club available. We do host an annual Partner Co... »