The Two Anchors

OCTOBER 13, 2020 Messiah told us that the greatest command in all the Torah (Law) is that we love the Lord with all of our heart, soul and strength, and then He said this: “And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these... »

More Lord?

I hear people all the time say “I’m hungry for more of God”.  Well God has been dealing with me about that statement here lately.  I see people in church all the time, hearing the Word of God through preaching and singing week in and week out.  But wha... »

Save Us Now!

OCTOBER 12, 2020 Today is referred to as Hoshanah Rabbah, which is, literally, the “Great Save Us.” It was on this day that the priests performed the water libation ceremony, thus the reference to living waters by the Messiah in the gospel of John. “On... »

Blessings and Victories

October 11, 2020 Today is traditionally the day that the patriarch, Jacob, died. It is recorded in Genesis 49:29 & 33: “Then he charged them and said to them: ‘I am to be gathered to my people; bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the fie... »