
I’ve Anchored in Jesus

I have had the time to do a lot of thinking and introspection for the last 2 1/2 to 3 weeks, and I want to write straight from my heart. You see, as the beautiful Month of May was approaching its end, I tested positive for the Covid-19 Virus and consequently experienced what so many [...] »

More Than Conquerors

It’s hard to imagine yourself as a soldier in ancient times walking onto a battlefield where swords, spears, daggers, flails, bows and arrows, and shields of your enemy abound, and yet you stand there, in light clothing, with no shoes, boots or head covering, while your foe is in full charge toward you, his eyes [...] »

Majority World Theology: Christian Doctrine in Global Context

The renowned American essayist Joseph Epstein once made the following assertion: Reading is experience. A biography of any literary person ought to deal at length and in detail with what... »

Guest Post – Tolle Lege: In Praise of Reading and Listening in a Writer’s World

Perhaps the most famous saying of God from outside the Bible is an exhortation to read: “tolle lege” —meaning, “pick up and read.” These words, repeated as a chant in... »