
Shemitah (Sabbatical Year): September 25, 2014-September 13, 2015

While many assume when God created the Sun and the Moon that He did so for light, heat, gravity, and other natural mechanisms, when looking at Genesis 1:14, we learn of four other purposes behind why the lights in the heavens were created and placed where they are. The Bible says these are for “signs,” “seasons,” “days,” and “years.” The Hebrew word ... »

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: NTEB Makes The List Of ‘Antigovernment Hate Groups’ Compiled By The Southern Poverty Law Center For 7th Year In A Row

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: NTEB Makes The List Of ‘Antigovernment Hate Groups’ Compiled By The Southern Poverty Law Center For 7th Year In A Row

Now The End Begins is considered an extremist anti-government group by outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the US Cyber Command. The web site for the Southern Poverty Law Center, a highly-funded and influential far Left group, warns of ‘hate groups’ who have gathered in every state across America. They write ‘Antigovernment groups […] The post NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: NTEB Makes Th... »

1 year ago Perry Stone prophesied 100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches that say gay lifestyle is sin

What happened to this prophetic utterance 1 year later? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads: A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior. A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be reje... »

March 22, 1941 the COG Evangel reports a seven year…

March 22, 1941 the COG Evangel reports a seven year old boy gets saved, sanctified and receives his Holy Ghost baptism in one night. What are your thoughts? »