
Internet Myths and New Years Thoughts

I'm not one for the forwarded "storied" emails that continually travel the web. Like you, my inbox is filled with them, and the funny part is most of the stories just simply aren't true. For instance the story of Billy Graham leading a parade on Bourbo... »

In succeeding years, the sentiment of this early statement continued…

David Roebuck interprets the history of the COG in a progressive sanctification lens. “As long as something is not contrary to the New Testament, Christians should give one another “equal rights and privileges to read, believe and practice for themselves in all matters of religion . . ..” “In the 1940s deep division arose between proponents of differing views of sanctification. Charles... »

Symposium: ‘Scandal of the Evangelical Mind’ 30 Years Later

» Celebrates 15 Years of Ministry on the World Wide Web Celebrates 15 Years of Ministry on the World Wide Web

One of our websites, which we use daily in our ministry, is now 15 years old. Through these years it has become an icon of one generation and we celebrated its birthday with a great mega youth rally for the southeastern region of Bulgaria. We are thankful to all who supported us in this ministry [...] »