Take Home With You

“But when he came to himself, he said… I will arise and go to my father…, Luke 15:17-18

“If you don’t bring Paris with you, you won’t find it there.” _John M. Shanahan

On October 22, 1877 Scottish missionary James Chalmers, along with his wife, Jane, arrived on the coast of New Guinea which at that time was an almost unknown land.

Upon arriving he named the place where he landed Inveraray Bay.

Isn’t that an odd name to name something?

Not if you’re from Inveraray Scotland.

Geographically, Reverend Chalmers was a long way from home (8400+ miles), but no matter how far away he was from home, he had taken home with him.

The ONE THING for today: When a man loses his memory of home, he’s lost his way no matter where he may be.