#Tebow was 10 for 15 with 202 yards. He also now has the record for longest version of "Jesus take the wheel." Going on 7 weeks. #ourCOG ourCOG December 4, 2011 10:59 pm #ourCOG 0 #Tebow was 10 for 15 with 202 yards. He also now has the record for longest version of “Jesus take the wheel.” Going on 7 weeks. #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts RT @Cog_Swagger: What is the difference between #Bieber and #Jesus? Jesus was born in a nicer place, #notCanada.. #ourCOG #COG #JUSTINBIEBER Great argument…..Pro Gun http://goo.gl/fb/ghdoo #ourCOG #ifihadanickeleverytime I thought about our #ourCOG GO… sorry I just made another… http://goo.gl/fb/wFV1S #ourCOG Great prayer meeting tonight. I have a spirit of expectation! I believe God is going to do the miraculous! #ncogyouth #ourcog