The 25th Bear | Jentezen Franklin
This is “The 25th Bear”. Of all the bears in the wild, only one out of 25 bears are wired to kill you. The rest are just as scared of you as you are of them. But this one in 25 will lock in on you and attack. There are angry bears and if you are going to places you know you shouldn’t go or doing things you know you shouldn’t do, it’s not too late. But please beware: you may be one encounter away from that 25th bear. Confess and repent today and do not take one more step in that direction. Accept that you need help and ask the Lord to help you. You don’t have to be a victim of that 25th bear. There is nothing you have done that God cannot or will not forgive today. Confess it and repent today and be free.
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