The 7 Feasts of The Lord (Leviticus 23) are Rehearsals…
The 7 Feasts of The Lord (Leviticus 23) are Rehearsals for Gods Appointed Times . Jesus fulfilled the first four feasts with His 1st Coming , He will fulfill the remaining 3 with His 2nd coming. Jesus died on PASSOVER , He was in the tomb for three days during UNLEVENED BREAD , He rose on FIRSTFRUITS and He sent His Holy Spirit on PENTECOST . The Feast of Trumpets is the HIDDEN Feast or the Feast that “NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR” (Matthew 24:36) . All the other Feast starts at sundown , but Trumpets starts at the 1st crescent of light from the new moon on the 1st of Tishri {September of the year}. Two witnesses watch from a hill , when the first crescent of light from The New Moon is seen , they sound a repetition of ten shofar or ten TRUMPET BLASTS , ten times. the 100th blast is called ” THE LAST TRUMP ” (1Corinthians 15:52) . This starts the 48 hours of The Feast , this is The Rehearsal for THE RAPTURE of The Church. The 10th of Tishri is Yon Kippur ( September of the year) , This is the rehearsal for Jesus Return to The Mount of Olives with His Saints. The last Feast is The Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th of Tishri (September / October of the year) , this will start Jesus 1,000 year reign O:)