The Coming TOT Cut: What do you expect

Posted on October 17, 2008 by travjohnson
The Reallocation of Resources Strategy Steering Committee has been assembled and is as follows:
1. Raymond Culpepper – General Overseer
2. Tim Hill – Assistant GO
3. Mark Williams – Assistant GO
4. David Griffis – Assistant GO
5. Wallace Sibley – Secretary General for COG
6. Dr. Don Walker – Overseer of North Georgia
7. Julian Robinson – Director of Finance for COG
8. Doug LeRoy – Director of World Missions
9. Victor Pagan – Assistant Director of World Missions
10. John Childers – Alabama Overseer
11. Dan Moore – Maryland Pastor
12. R.C. Hugh Nelson – Brooklyn, New York Pastor
13. Darrell Waller – Virginia Pastor
14. Jerry Lawson – Homeless Vagabond
In addition to these men, each State/Regional Overseer and the first elected State Council member of each state will serve to determine how this plays out. In the case of Florida, that would be Martin Taylor and Dwight Allen (pastor of Cooper City COG).
— With these men coming together, how do you think the TOT cut is going to play out
— How do you want to see it play out
— Would you like to be able to see how the conversation develops
— Since the General Assembly extended a significant amount of trust to this team, would it be healthy or unhealthy to have transcripts, minutes, or a summary of those discussions to maintain a continuity of involvement of the General Assembly in the process
— What would be the positive or negative of such a trust
— Finally, is there anything you would like to communicate to this team
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