The Descent to Compassion Course
As many of you know in 2012 I wrote a book titled, The Descent to Compassion. I’m thankful for how God has used that little book in the lives of individuals and small groups and churches. Thanks to all who bought and promoted it for me. Now I have some more great news. I’ve finalized a full course based on the book. I’m looking for students to sign up and I’m offering a discount for the first 100 to sign up.
The online class is now live and ready for students. The course is self directed and you can go at your own speed. The course is normally $30 but if you would like to be part of the first wave of students and you are willing to give me an honest review that will help to promote the course, I will give the first 100 students a $15 coupon.
If you are interested, email me at stevewrightbooks@gmail.com with the subject line, “$15 code.” I will then email you the code. Please don’t give it to anyone else because I have only a limited number at this time. Here is the link to the class for those who would like to pay for the course right now at full cover follow this link or click on the picture.