The Drone Sightings Are A Psyop From Our Government, How Long Will It Last And When Will It Claim Its First Victim? The Clock Is Ticking.

Mysterious drones have been hovering in the skies above New Jersey and other states in the Northeast for weeks, alarming residents and prompting lawmakers to demand answers. Is a human sacrifice coming?

There is good news and bad news on the drone sightings front, but you probably won’t like it. The good news is that it’s not aliens from Outer Space causing the stir, that’s obvious at this point, and the bad news? It’s not aliens from Outer Space behind the drone sightings, it’s a psyop from the government. We’d be better off if it were aliens, because at least in that case we would have a clearly defined adversary. But a psyop from some shadowy CIA-related officially unavowed governmental program being run by the Deep State? Man, oh man, you can’t trust anyone in that scenario, no one. Not even Trump, sorry MAGA.

“And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.” Acts 23:13 (KJB)

Let me share with you a principle of the rules of engagement when the Deep State is running a psyop, there is always a sacrifice involved, a human sacrifice. Somebody has to notably die in order to ‘seal the deal’. Let me explain what I mean. Back when Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA were starring their 6-month billion dollar war in the streets back in 2020, a black man by the name of David Dorn (say his name!) was ritually sacrificed by black Black Lives Matter operatives. That event kicked-off the riots. Remember what happened on January 6th, when the ‘attack on the Capitol’ took place? Ashli Babbitt was executed in cold blood by a police officer, and when the ‘trial’ was held to investigate her murder, no information was released until it was all over and Lieutenant Michael Byrd was pronounced ‘not guilty’. David Dorn and Ashli Babbitt were the necessary sacrifices required by Deep State operatives who conduct events like these. If you think of these things in the context of the Bohemian Grove and the Skull and Bones Society, it will all start to come into focus for you. It’s 322 all the way.

We can rule out aliens from Outer Space, a search for ‘missing’ radioactive materials, a hunt for a dirty bomb, Russian spies, Chinese agents or anything else of that nature because there is zero evidence to support any of that. Seriously, a search for radioactive material but the searches are only conducted at night? Pul-eeese, that’s just nonsense. But what does make sense, as we told you on Monday, is a secretive government program to wreak havoc using third-party companies like Palantir and the Hivemind, Shield AI, OpenAI, Google and others. Look, we have already lived through a bioweapon called COVID, created in American labs and intentionally released, a ‘vaccine’ that was nothing but gene editing software, and a lockdown that put four-fifths of the world on hold until they were ready to release us. Over seven million people have already died in these events, and the past is prologue as Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB) tells us. Nothing I have said so far is much wilder than what we’ve already lived through.

This Palantir Drone Commercial is 33 seconds long

Who’s behind the drone sightings? Palantir or other companies just like them, that’s who. 

I don’t know how much longer the drone sightings will continue, like the Las Vegas Shooter, it could just disappear tomorrow without a word. But I know this. Everyone one in the Pentagon and in the Biden White House are all furiously denying anything is going on, delaying answering real questions for as long as possible, and defending the party line that there is ‘nothing to see here’. That tells you that they all know the truth, and they have no desire to tell us. If it were aliens or foreign agents, our military would be immediately dispatched, but they’re not. Washington isn’t even the least be interested in solving the problem or answering the question, any question, and that tells you they are behind it.

I don’t wish it on anyone, but get ready for the sacrifice.

Drone sightings and incursions spreading out across America

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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