
The God Makers: Religious Deception :: By Stephen Meehan
While doing some research on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in preparation to witness to an old acquaintance of mine who has been a lifetime devotee to Mormonism, I discovered a film produced by former Mormons entitled The God Makers. The 58-minute video lays out in detail the history of Joseph Smith, the inspiration for his upstart religion, and the occultic DNA of the Mormon faith. There is also a book by the same name that was put together by one of the producers of the film, along with Dave Hunt, that documents even further the mysterious beliefs and practices of this non-Christian organization.
At its core, the LDS church subscribes to the belief that its adherents can one day become gods or goddesses by following the path laid before them by Joseph Smith and his succeeding prophets of the faith.
It is only those, however, who get married in the Mormon Temple, who go through the religious hoops of the Temple rites and Masonry-like initiations, and who strive for perfection throughout their life before they pass on to eternity that can possibly be selected for godhood. The selection process then consists of a review board by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith before the candidate is given the green light to join other gods who have achieved deity status through Mormonism.
Once they attain that level, they then go off to a distant planet to populate that new earth with upwards of 20 million or so future gods. It is all very bizarre and unbiblical. Still, there are some who believe that Mormonism is a true Christian church.
It should be apparent that the adversary takes great joy in his number one choice of deception, which has a religious flavor to it, and he is especially fond of holding out the carrot of godhood or of being like God as part of the deceptive hook.
We can read in Scripture of how Lucifer became full of pride, wanted to ascend to a god status, and desired to be worshipped like God that led to his downfall. He even convinced a third of the angelic realm to join up with him in his rebellion against the Sovereign of the Universe. If the ministering spirits can fall prey to his enticements, what chance do humans have who possess no biblical moorings?
In the Garden, Satan’s first ploy used to deceive Adam and Eve was the prospect of becoming like God. Sadly, many have fallen victim to this devilish tactic. There are numerous religions that incorporate some false view of God, or that they can attain godhood, or that there are many gods, or that God indwells all things. The obvious attraction to this false notion has ruined many a soul.
The Hindus believe that there are over 300 million gods. Mormonism, according to former Mormons, believes that there are trillions of gods out there, men or women, who have become gods and parented other gods throughout the cosmos.
Even the Catholic Church, according to their Catechism (CCC 460) teaches that “The Son of God became man so that we might become God.” There are many TV preachers who believe in the error that man can become gods or are little gods.
Satan has been very adept in instilling this false hope in people for eons, ever since he first slithered his way into Eden. “God makers” have taken up his mantle and have carried forth this demonically inspired creed throughout the globe. Hell is full of those who have been bewitched into accepting this false premise. It is only then too late when the deceived discover that there is only one true God.
One of the equally disturbing facets of the Temple rituals that I discovered when reading the God Makers book was that in the Mormon Temple initiations and services they perform while on their trek to supposed godhood — along with being issued Temple garments to wear continually under their normal clothing — they are given green aprons to wear while participating in the Temple. On these green aprons are depictions of sewn fig leaves.
After both Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God had forbade them to eat, but Satan had enticed them into eating, they then sewed fig leaves together to cover up their nakedness and the shame they felt for disobeying God. The Lord would not accept the work of their hands in creating that attire to cover their sin, but instead, He shed the blood of innocent creatures and used their skins to cover them – a sign of the eventual shedding of blood by Christ to atone for our sins.
So, here is Satan again defying God. The Mormons, by their actions in the Temple, are foregoing the blood atonement of Christ and instead are placing an apron of sewn fig leaves on their waist to cover their sins. These new, young initiates getting married and performing these rites have no idea of the significance of what they are doing by wearing those, but the Temple leaders should have an inkling of what the green aprons represent, and of course, their hidden master is all too aware of what it signifies: rejecting the blood atonement of Christ, not accepting the free gift of salvation, but instead are “working” for the possibility of their redemption. A “works” gospel is never accepted by God.
The originator of this faith, Joseph Smith, was a bit of a con artist in his day; nothing more than a “flim-flam” man of his generation and to his community. He used “seer stones” to supposedly attempt to locate hidden treasure on people’s property but was just out to swindle the locals from their money. He also used special spectacles to supposedly decipher divinely sent gold plates to form his new religion by transcribing “angelic” revelations.
He was hardly a chosen vessel of God. All this information is researched and printed out in the God Makers book. Many more details of his true, sordid character are printed out in this expose for the Mormons to see how corrupt this man was and how phony the religion came to be.
At 14, he had his supposed encounter with spiritual beings who told him to begin a new religion. The story, even in Mormon literature, had been revised about nine times. The personages visiting him may have been either the angel Moroni, or Nephi, or Jesus Christ alone, or Jesus with God the Father. Even though the story changed repeatedly, the followers of Mormonism are not swayed from following their supposed prophet and spiritual leader. He could do no wrong in their blind eyes and attempts to discredit him with evidences are continually rebuffed.
Young Joe was told that all Christian denominations had been corrupted; none of them were true. All the Bibles were equally corrupted, and all translations were in grave error. Hence, for over 1,800 years, there was no true version of Christianity on the planet, and he was needed to start the new One True Church.
In either his twenties or early thirties, Joseph Smith also got heavily involved in Free Masonry. He achieved the level of Worshipful Master in a very short time. Eventually, the Temple and temple worship services mirrored many of the Masonic rites, initiations, secret handshakes, blood oaths, secret signs, secret underwear, and all things related to Masonry.
The two religions became intertwined until, eventually, years later, even the Masons wanted to distance themselves from the obvious false beliefs, origins, and practices of the Mormon faith. If even the Masons wanted out, it is telling of how crooked the organization became. Nonetheless, both groups are equally occultic.
Joseph Smith was also a polygamist. According to Mormon researchers and local records, Smith had about 84 “wives.” The locals living in Missouri, where Joe had set up shop, grew tired of his adulterous lifestyle and his penchant for wanting to overthrow the local government, and he was incarcerated in the local hoosegow.
Later, a mob of close to 200 people stormed where he was locked up, and the would-be insurrectionist met his demise. Not a fitting end for a supposed god maker. Maybe the use of his “seer stones’ would have warned him of this ending.
Most Mormons are unaware of his checkered past. He dabbled in the occult, was an adulterer, sought to overthrow the town’s city hall, was a Mason, and a swindler. The locals considered him a liar, a man given to flights of fancy and obsessed with elevating his status and position in life far greater than the average Joe. The devil used him, though, to great effect in formalizing this false religion.
Obviously, “God Makers” do not require people of a stellar background to be used by the enemy to deceive the masses. Just the ability to be conned by their master, be persuaded that all Bibles are translated incorrectly, that all Christian groups are corrupted, and that only the fictional, fabricated Book of Mormon, and all other LDS documents – The Pearl of Great Price, Doctrines and Covenants and other Mormon works – are only without error. It works across the board for other false religious groups, and the number of deceived is probably in the billions.
Christians who may try to witness to Mormons with the true gospel of Christ are viewed as being lost and quoting from Bibles that have been translated incorrectly. That mindset makes it very difficult to reach lost Mormons.
On top of that, if a person does get freed from Mormonism, they are ostracized by family and friends and are completely shunned by those who remain in the LDS. They may suffer divorce and the loss of their children. The “faithful” Mormon spouse does not want to forfeit his or her chance of godhood, so they look to remarry some other person who has had a Temple wedding.
Another aspect of the nearly 3-hour-long Mormon Temple service is that they never discuss Jesus Christ in these proceedings. Jesus Christ plays a very minimal role in the life of a Mormon. They believe he was once a man and then attained Godhood. He was the spirit brother of Satan. They pay lip service to the Son of God. He is included in the name of the church, but that is it.
The Temple service is always about their church, their founders, their prophets, their missionaries, and the requirement to act as proxies in a baptism service for those Mormons who have already passed on but were not Temple participants.
Again, only Temple Mormons can become gods, so, repeatedly during these services, Temple Mormons recite rote words and perform baptisms for the dead. They are also heavily involved in genealogies of these dead Mormons as they want to ensure that all Mormons have the chance to become gods in the afterlife.
But even when a Mormon has passed on, they have no idea how long of a wait is involved once they die before they are selected for godhood by the review board consisting of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. They remain in a Roman Catholic-like Purgatory status until it has been confirmed that they have worked out their salvation process and have attained perfection.
Another facet of the LDS religion that screams that it is false is that Joseph Smith wrote of the history of Mormonism, the places where it was set up around the world, and the regions where it spread. But there is not one shred of archeological evidence anywhere that proves that the origins of his faith were established in these various regions. No coins, no relics, no pottery shards, nothing. It simply is not there because the whole charade was fabricated.
Confronted with this information, normal Mormons do not care. They still trust in their church and the founding father. To their way of thinking, he was a true prophet and without error. They don’t question any of the evidence that proves that it is a false system. Fortunately, some do begin to have doubts about the legitimacy of the faith and begin to delve into God’s Word.
Sandra Tanner was one such person. She is the great-great-granddaughter of Brigham Young -the next prophet in line after Joseph Smith – and she came out after reading the Bible and searching throughout all Mormon literature to discover how false it all is. She wrote a very comprehensive book detailing all the phony details regarding that cult. She was in most of those John Ankerberg show videos and really knows her stuff. Her testimony is very compelling.
Many Mormons have escaped the LDS clutches because of her and other former Mormons who have exposed the truth. Many have been set free of their tentacles and have become true born-again believers, all to the glory of God!
Here’s hoping that many more will get freed from that religious deception.
Being deceived is a lousy way to wind up eternally lost. It is bad enough that people wind up in Hell due to either rejecting Jesus Christ knowingly or were just evil throughout their life and never sought redemption. But being tricked into something that Satan designed for that very purpose is just an awful way to be excluded eventually from an eternity in God’s Kingdom and a bright future.
The devil knows how to blind folks from the truth. He incorporates many traps into his religions to keep people lost. Only their religion has the truth; all other Christians are lost; all Bibles are corrupted; only Joseph Smith was a true prophet; you can become a god over your own planet and peoples; your children can become gods; Satan and Jesus were spiritual brothers; polygamy is good.
When one watches the God Makers film or reads the God Makers book, you end up asking yourself, “How can people fall for this?” It seems so obvious that this is all false. Even watching numerous videos on the subject from The John Ankerberg Show – with his former Mormon guests and Christian apologists who confront the teachings of Joseph Smith with the truth of Scripture – it just seems so apparent that the religion is so far out there that nobody should be sucked into it.
Yet, a great many do become ensnared. Satan is a master deceiver. He has been honing his craft for over 6,000 years, and biblically ignorant people are ripe for deception. They do not have the Truth on their side to avert a disastrous choice.
I used to think it was crazy to hear of folks worshipping cows or bowing down to elephant-looking statues or other paganistic practices. Even the Israelites, just after being freed from Egypt by God, started worshipping a golden calf statue in place of the real God. How could “normal” people become so deluded to do that?
But then I realized as a Roman Catholic, I, too, was caught up in religious deception by worshipping a mere man-made wafer as the true Jesus Christ. “Eucharistic Adoration” rites have Catholics bowing down before a wafer in a paganistic sun-burst-looking golden monstrance with a glass window showing a wafer as if it is the true God before them. No biblically illiterate person is immune from the wiles of the devil. All are prone to doctrines of demons. Beware!
Nevertheless, I would hate to know that people are going to wind up in a place of torment just because they were too lazy to look into the history of the founder of their particular religion or the precepts of its aberrant teachings.
I was firmly entrenched in that category as a Roman Catholic until the Lord opened my eyes to their deceptive and lethal false teachings. Most of the planet’s inhabitants are equally entrapped in a false religion, and the gates of Hell await them. They won’t take the time to discover the truth, until there is no end of time.
The Bible is replete with verses that describe God as being one. That there are no other gods besides Him. Mormons and others are blinded from those truths.
It is only the devil that tries to be a God Maker. He beguiles other human beings to believe that they can achieve a level of godhood and to carry out his goal and ambitions to destroy as many as he can who were formed in the image of God.
No man or woman should ever fall for that ruse. We are imperfect, sinful, created beings in need of a Savior, and were never designed to become gods. Even the angelic host can never attain that status. Only one God inhabits the universe.
Still, there are those who seek such a chance and would be willing to forfeit the truth and follow after a phony if it meant that one day they could rule over their own dominion and have people worship them. Our adversary, the devil, is one such being.
He is destined for the Lake of Fire because of his wanting to defy the Creator and become like a god. Even in Hell, he will not rule and reign. He will be in torment eternally, as are those who ignorantly follow him into this final abode.
Don’t wind up there because of a fatal theology. Don’t forfeit a state of bliss in God’s Kingdom because of a duped man who started his own satanically inspired false religion.
Abandon all self-effort in an attempt to perfect yourself or work out your own salvation in a system of works. Don’t open yourself up to religious deception by ignoring God’s true Word or rejecting the free offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
He is God; we are not. We are incapable of becoming gods, despite the many who proclaim otherwise. They are following a different master by believing in such unbiblical tripe.
Disregard all religions that proclaim that possibility or their repeated pleas for “seed money” from TV preachers who spout that nonsense – that we are little gods or will become gods.
The world is full of such false teachers. Their eternal destiny will prove to them that they were deceived or deceiving others.
Jesus Christ is God, not our spirit brother. He was not a man who became God. He created all things (John 1:1-12). He created you. He, as God, went to the cross to die an agonizing death to cover the cost for all your sins. He saved you. He put His Holy Spirit (God) in you. He is preparing a place for you in Heaven. He is coming back for you to escort you to the Father’s House in Heaven.
He is pleading with you to invite Him into your life right now! (Revelation 3:20). Say Yes! to Him and no to the father of lies – Satan.
Only Jesus saves. The other guy deceives and destroys.
P.S. For the benefit of those Mormons reading this article, here are videos from the John Ankerberg Show detailing the teachings of Mormonism available on YouTube. Former Mormons attest to these teachings of the LDS. (Hold down “Ctrl” key + click to start the videos.)
What did Joseph Smith say about Christianity? 3:10
Ankerberg Classic: Does the Book of Mormon teach there are many gods? 1:33
Ankerberg Classic: Are the God of Mormonism and the God of Christianity the same God? 1:54
Ankerberg Classic: Did Joseph Smith teach that God was once a man as we are now? 2:02
Ankerberg Classic: Where did the Book of Mormon come from? 4:03
Ankerberg Classic: What must a Mormon do to become a god? 1:41
Ankerberg Classic: What are Mormons told they must do in order to become gods? – YouTube 2:54
Ankerberg Classic: According to Mormonism, is traditional Christianity false and corrupt? 3:47
Ankerberg Classic: Why is a Temple recommend important to a Mormon? – YouTube 2:29
Ankerberg Classic: What is the Mormon plan of salvation? 1:38
Ankerberg Classic: What do Mormons do in the temple? 3:14
What do Mormons mean when they say we are all “spirit children”? 1:42
Ankerberg Classic: What do Mormons mean by the phrase “individual salvation”? 2:06
Ankerberg Classic: What is the purpose of the Temple marriage ceremony in Mormonism? 1:52
Ankerberg Classic: What are the Temple garments? 2:39
Ankerberg Classic: What covenants do Mormons make in the Temple? 1:49
Ankerberg Classic: Can you be a biblical Christian and be a Temple-attending Mormon? 2:48
What is Mormonism? What do Mormons believe? – YouTube 4:23
The God Makers: Mormonism Exposed (Original Classic) 56:13
Ankerberg Classic: Mormon Officials and Christian Scholars Compare Doctrine – YouTube 1:57:22
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