The heritage of my local COG, McMinnville, Tennessee, reaches back…
The heritage of my local COG, McMinnville, Tennessee, reaches back to 1915 and one of the pastors appointed from Cleveland, Tennessee was E.J. Boehmer. Brother Boehmer had ties with Azusa Street in California and was instrumental in the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit there. He left there and traveled across the country preaching and ended up joining then Church of God in 1910. He married and pastored churches in Georgia before being sent to McMinnville in 1917.
He was a very anointed and gifted preacher and by 1920 was a appointed on the overseers council, now called the executive council of 18. He was appointed to serve and the General secretary and treasurer and served to the mid 40’s.
Having a local church tied to the founding of the modern Pentecostal movement from Asuza Street and appointed by Tomlinson in 1917 is a proud heritage. I am proud of that heritage and believe that same Holy spirit is working today!