The Meaning of the Cross

“He gwowed up to die on the cross and save us.”

__Ruby Bennett (Age 4), December 25, 2024, describing the real meaning of Christmas

Currently I am studying for a sermon I plan to preach during the Lent/Easter season on “The Meaning of Cross.” 

When reading the New Testament writers, the Cross was seldom far from their minds and lives.  Both before and after the crucifixion the shadow of Jesus’s Cross loomed greatly over the lives of the early believers.  But today I fear that the Cross holds little sway over most Christian’s lives. 

For one thing we’ve made the Cross about a transaction: Say the prayer do the deed (baptism, confirmation, etc.) and it’s all done.  We get a free “get-out-of-hell” card and our own Willy Wonka Golden Ticket to the great Chocolate Factory in the sky. 

Deed done!  There’s little more to do than be nice and occasionally read our bibles and go to church.

For many grace not only saves us but paralyzes us; there’s very little “fruit of repentance”.

Another concern is that we’ve turned Christianity into “Christianity Inc.” 

The goal has become giving people a better deal than the world (or the church down the street).  “Follow Jesus and your life will be so much better!”  (And there is some merit to this.) 

But the Cross—the fact that it was required—is a sobering hint that we are missing something. 

I’ll not share my sermon notes to you today, but I will leave you with this: Meditate deeply on the meaning of the Cross of Jesus and also the fact that you too have a cross.  What is that supposed to mean!? 

The ONE THING for today: Lord Jesus, thank you for the Cross. I pray that your cross (and our cross) but be the dividing line between all we do today.  Your life divided time – B.C./A.D. In this year of our Lord—2025 help us to live on the right side of the Cross.