The Nuremberg trial, where different nations with different laws confirmed…
The Nuremberg trial, where different nations with different laws confirmed a universal moral law and decided that disobeying this law is so evil that the punishment must be death.
Human lives matter and evil is a reality. And this is evident in times of crisis , as is our deprived nature and our ability to commit such heinous acts.
So my personal takeaway from revisiting such events is:
1. There are objective moral values.
2. People can be monsters.
3. The reality of our evil nature is evident. These and other crimes were not commited by one or two psychopaths. The vast majority were commited by people like you and me, acting under fear and orders.
4. Having a moral code that rises above fear of the enemy or fear by disobeying orders is the only thing that can prevent some people from acting this way. Christ provides just that.