The Other Mission Field

The Other Mission Field

Have you ever considered missionaries are between two mission fields? One is the place where they serve overseas, and the other mission field is the one at home.

Missionaries’ ministry overseas is of itself fraught with adjustments and continual spiritual battles to save the lost. Salvation is only the first hurdle in the process … education and discipling closely follow. Missionaries usually must multi-task to cover all the bases, as well as keep their spiritual person healthy.

Itineration is the other mission field! The missionaries and their families return home to report on activities revolving around their lives on the mission field. Not only do they share valuable information, but they oftentimes minister in services to those whose financial support they rely upon. While being home again is an enjoyable aspect, it requires more outpouring of themselves to continue responding to the call of God on their lives. Weariness can easily overtake them, but missionaries are an unusual breed—they are not allowed the privilege of slowing down. Eternal lives are at stake, and they take that seriously.

No matter where the feet of the missionaries travel, they fulfill the scriptures that say: Behold … the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! (Nahum 1:15), and Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Galatians 6:9).