The Rarest of Investors
“Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can’t buy what is popular and do well.” __Warren Buffet
Fully maximizing your life requires you moving beyond just being a wage earner who thinks in terms of spending those wages. You will need to become an investor.
But it’s important to understand that there are different types of investors and they are not all equal, especially in their investment result.
The first type of investor (probably most investors) ask the question: “How can I get a good return on my investment?”
These investors thing in terms of leveraging their time, talents, and tasks towards getting the most out of their efforts and dollars.
But these is a lessor known type of investor. These are the ones who ask: “How can I add value?”
These are the investors who become a part of the solution. They think in terms of helping others profit. They win when others win.
But then there are those extremely rare investors who actually create value. They see possibilities where others only see ruin or at best hopeless routine, and drudgery.
These investors create things. They look at a person who has been written off and see possibilities. They see the broken pieces of shattered dreams, shelved ideas, and scraped projects, and think, “I can create something good out of that.” And then do it.
So for you…which will it be?
A disciplined investor who gets a good return on your investment?
A giving investor who adds value for others as well as for yourself?
Or a creating investor who takes lost causes and creates something new and better out of them?
The ONE THING for today: There are many who hope to get a good value for their investment. Then there are those special people who think in terms of adding value for others as well.
But most amazing are those rare individuals who create something good out of the impossible and change the world.