The Responsibility Of Obedience
You can give God a gift of obedience, but it’s not always easy.
Facing the responsibility of not obeying God is always more difficult than obeying God in the first place. What God is calling you to obey may very well be hard, but not obeying Him is much harder.
When you obey God, the outcome is totally in His hands. When you disobey God, the pressure is then put on you; the struggle inside of you never goes away until you obey completely. It eats away until you either surrender or grow farther and farther apart from Him.
God will always point you back to where you last disobeyed Him. The commands of God and the directives of God are designed to bring the very best into your life and to bring God the glory that is His alone.
When we disobey God, we do so in the shadow of the cross. God always directs us to die to self and to die to the attachments of this world. When we surrender to His directions and obey quickly, we show to the world that He is alive, and can be trusted.
Following God is easy when He is leading you in the direction you want to go, but what about when He decides to turn in a new direction with your life? It’s not so easy to obey when that happens, but a Christ follower must surrender.
At times, He will change your direction in big ways, and they are hard enough to obey in themselves. However, I’ve found something much harder. There are times He will seek to change something mundane in your life just to test your heart. I’ve heard it said before, “If Christ does not reign over the mundane events in our lives, He does not reign at all.”
So I close with a question today. How is your obedience?
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