The Russian Nuclear Missile Frigate Admiral Gorshkov Now Sailing Through Waters Off The Coast Of Florida As US Deploys Three Guided-Missile Destroyers

The Russian Nuclear Missile Frigate Admiral Gorshkov Now Sailing Through Waters Off The Coast Of Florida As US Deploys Three Guided-Missile Destroyers

A group of Russian warships that sailed close to Florida shores, closely watched by U.S. destroyers, entered the port of Havana on Wednesday morning ahead of Russian military exercises in the Caribbean.

For quite some time now, the United States and the western nations of Europe have been having fun playing proxy war with Russia through military support for Ukraine. Hundreds of billions in financial aid, missiles, tanks and technology have been given to them, and now Russia decided to have some fun as well by sailing nuclear-armed ships off the coast of Florida. Today Russia conducted marine military exercises 66 miles off the Florida coast.

“There go the shipsthere is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.” Psalm 104:26 (KJB)

In a battle between Russia and the United States, I would clearly and easily pick the USA to win. But from a biblical perspective, Russia is mentioned in Bible prophecy as being one of the major nations in the end times, while America doesn’t even get a mention. There’s a reason for that.

Russian warships, nuclear submarine enter Havana Harbor under watch of U.S. destroyers

FROM THE MIAMI HERALD: Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces officials, the Russian ambassador to Cuba Victor Koronelli and a crowd of Russian tourists and curious Cubans gathered at the Malecon, the famous Havana seaside promenade, to watch the Russian missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov enter the port amid a 21-gun salute.

Early on Wednesday, the top of the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan was visible outside Havana Harbor before it submerged again, Cuban independent media 14ymedio reported.

The presence of the Russian warships in Cuba just 90 miles from U.S. shores, is seen as a gesture of defiance by Vladimir Putin, who last week warned about taking “asymmetrical” steps and the possibility of sending long-range weapons to third countries to attack Western targets after President Joe Biden allowed Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. government has not seen evidence that Russia is placing in or delivering missiles to Cuba.

“We have not seen anything like that,” he said.

The senior official said Russian ships have also been sailing to Havana under past administrations, though this visit has “elements…that are different, that are distinct,” he said in a reference to the Kazan submarine.

The presence of Russian warships in Cuba is “something we watch closely, carefully,” he added. “We will see how this unfolds in the coming days, but we have seen this kind of thing before.” The Biden administration has dismissed the Russian naval movements as a messaging tactic in response to U.S. support for Ukraine. But the U.S. Navy nevertheless deployed a powerful flotilla in response, sending three destroyers, a Coast Guard cutter and a maritime surveillance plane to stalk the Russian vessels. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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