“The Terrorist Within” pastor Loran Livingston, December 1, 2019
Today pastor Loran preached from the books of Matthew, Isiah and James about the importance of having our tongue touched by the Lord and our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit, so that our speech may always be done with love and always for the glory of God, for edification and encouragement. Whatever is stored up in our hearts will sooner or later be expressed by our words. The test of whether your heart is good is what comes out of your mouth. “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”. Knowing that “for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment” ( Matthew 12:36), as the children of God, we must be especially careful what we speak. We must fill our hearts with good things and think good thoughts, speak good words, spread the love of Jesus Christ and bear good fruit- that pleases the Lord.
We cannot tame our tongue on our own, so we need to ask for the help from God to fill our hearts with His Holy Spirit & His Love. It must become our daily choice and habit to obey the Lord and please Him by restraining our own tongue from every evil & empty words.