The Time to Act is Usually When You Are Not Sure

“Joe Biden is going to win, period.”

Jen O’Malley Dillon, “Former” Campaign Manager for Joe Biden’s Reelection

Sure things have a habit of disappearing just when you need them.

If someone tells you they are absolutely – beyond a shadow of a doubt, certain – best to politely excuse yourself and as soon as you’re out of sight run for your life!

There’s something in all of us that wants certainty.

We want a guarantee.

We want to be able to push that button and pull that level and 100% of the time we get the exact same result.

But life doesn’t work that way.

Uncertainty is a product of living in time. With our God-given free will there are literal eight+ billion people making it up as they go – minute by minute, moment by moment.

Things are going to happen.

People are going to zig when you thought for certain they’d zag.

So what are you going to do, freeze up in fear? Live in a constant state of panic?

I was thinking about the presidential election the other day. One person tells me that if Vice President Harris gets elected the world will come to an end. Another tells me the same thing if President Trump gets reelected.

Turns out they’re both right.

The world is coming to an end, both the Bible and the science tell us this.

But the catch is, no one knows for sure when that will be, but I’m reasonably sure that whoever is in the White House is not going to be the deciding factor.

I’ve lived too long to fall for that.

I’ve gone through too many “this is the most important election in our history.”

I’ve had too many “Chicken Littles” running around telling me the sky is falling only to peep out from my hiding place and what did I see? The sky!

The lot is cast into the lap,
But its every decision is from the LORD.

Proverbs 16:33

I’ve learned that if I decide what I’m not going to do, it makes it easy to know what to do.

And one thing I’m not going to do is live in paralyzing fear worrying about things that I have not control over.

The ONE THING for today: If you wait until you know for sure you’ll never get anything done. Decide today to trust God with the details and the outcome and you just focus on making a positive contribution with the little bit that you do have and the little that you do know. That’s doable.