The Truth Maybe you just need to know of the…
The Truth
Maybe you just need to know of the truth to get librated,the truth they say would set you free(John 8:12 ” And ye shall know the truth,and the truth shall make you free), knowledge they say is power ,and when knowledge is gained the grace to work in the light of that knowledge is given.
Anylife out side of Christ is a lie, John 14:6 ” Jesus saith unto him, I am the way truth and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.
Jesus says He is the way,truth and the life this means without Christ you have no life right, without thorough knowledge of Christ you know no Truth, without Christ you aren’t in the right way,
If Jesus Christ is the truth what do you know about Jesus and the reflection of that knowledge in your life?
Good question right?
(John14:6, John 11:25,
In Jesus is life and he
came that we may have life)
The way. Bread of life
↘️ ↙️
(John 14:6, (John 6:35 Jesus
Jesus the way the bread of life
that we may he that eateth
know the this bread
path to eternal JESUS. shall live
life). forever
John 6: 58)
Light ↗️ ⬆️ ↖️
(John 8:12. The vine. Truth
Jesus came to (John 15:1,. (John
light the world Jesus is 14:6
that we might. the vine. Jesus
not walk in. and we. the
darkness) are the Truth
bran-. came
ches. that we
to bear may be
fruits free from
that. sin,death
would and hell)
we as
are meant
to bring
others to
The life he lived here on earth was to give us the blueprint of how we should live ours, from his birth(Mattew 1:21,2:1)
to his baptism (Mattew 3:13,16),
His prayer life (Mark 1:35, Mark 26:36-44)- How we believer are meant to pray without ceasing.
His Fasting (Matthew 4:2) – Showing us believer that we could take out time to fast ,spend time with the Lord in such periods.
His temptation (Matthew 4:4-11)- showing us temptations would come but we can overcome by the help of the Holy Spirit.
His preaching (Matthew 4:17)- Showing us that as believers we are meant to preach the gospel (Matthew 28:19)
His healing many (Mark 1:34, Mark 1:40-44, Mark 1:21-26, Mark 5:21-43, Mattew 9:1-6, Mattew 9:27-33, Matthew 8:28-34, Matthew 12:9-14, Matthew 15:34-36, Matthew 4:23-25) – How we as believer have been given power to heal diseases and cast out demons.
The earthly principle breaking miracles like turning water into wine without practical process (John 2:7-9), walking on water against surface tension (Mark 6:48), speaking to the storm (Mark 4:37-39), Feeding large crowds with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes (Matthew 15:34-37)
If Christ did all that while on earth, and said in his word ” Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”John 14:12, which means we can do all things by the help of the Trinity.
To be continued…