The Weight of Fatherhood
This post is 2 days late. It should have been posted over the weekend to take full advantage of actual Father’s Day, but what can I say, we’re getting ready to have another baby and make me a father again, so it’s Tuesday, and I’m posting about Father’s day…Get over it!
My kids are still young. The oldest is 6 and the youngest is days away from arriving on the planet. So I don’t know all the emotions and nuances of parenthood that everyone faces, I just know mine.
Being a father is one of the 2 greatest jobs I have on this earth, right along with being a husband to Corrie. These two roles are forever linked for me. I realize that divorce is a widespread issue, and that families continue to exist in various forms beyond 2 married biological parents, and their kids. But for me…
Part of fathering my kids is loving their mom. Part of fathering my kids is setting an example of faithfulness in marriage. Part of fathering my kids is modeling for them what it means to love Corrie as Christ loved the Church.
I don’t claim to be perfect. I’ve done a number of dumb things in my life. I will do more dumb things I’m sure. But I don’t want to blow either one of these 2 roles. They’re that important to me. Here were my thoughts over the weekend:
If the only example my kids have of the Heavenly Father is what they see in me, how does that shape their view of Him?
If the only example my kids have of the love of God is what they see me extending to them and their mom, how does that shape their view of the way God loves them?
That’s weighty stuff right there.